Ciprian Radovan

Ciprian Radovan (geboren 1939 in Rumänien) ist Maler, Kunstkritiker und Wissenschaftler.


Sein Projekt trägt den Titel TRANSORNAMENTAL DREAMS. Es besteht aus zwei Druckserien von Gemälden auf Leinwand aus einem früheren “trans-ornamentalen” Projekt. Diese Projekte bestätigen die Kraft von Ornamenten und strukturierten Schildern mittels metaphysischer und gefühlsbezogener Schwingungen. Manchmal wechseln sich diese Projekte ab mit anderen Projekten, in denen es um pure Schwingungen und völlig frei entwickelte Zeichen geht.

Ciprian Radovan

Ciprian Radovan (born 1939 in Romänia) is a painter, art critic and contemporary Romanian scientist.

Image source.

His project is called TRANSORNAMENTAL DREAMS. It consists of two sets of prints of paintings on canvas from a previous “trans-ornamental” project. His trans-ornamental projects affirm the power of the ornament and of structured signs, with metaphysical and affective resonances. Sometimes they alternate with other projects that involve pure vibrations and freely developed signs.

Ciprian Radovan (born1939, Romania) soon in Kunst Schimmer #2 He is a painter,…

Ciprian Radovan (born1939, Romania)
soon in Kunst Schimmer #2

He is a painter, art critic and contemporary Romanian scientist.

His project is called TRANSORNAMENTAL DREAMS. It consists of two sets of prints of paintings on canvas from a previous “trans-ornamental” project. His trans-ornamental projects affirm the power of the ornament and of structured signs, with metaphysical and affective resonances. Sometimes they alternate with other projects that involve pure vibrations and freely developed signs.

RAFAEL BERTONE from #ONTHEVERGECREW soon in Kunst Schimmer #2 Born in Rosario (…

soon in Kunst Schimmer #2

Born in Rosario (Argentina), he has been living in Madrid for more than 10 years working as art director, illustrator and interdisciplinary artist.

His eclectic work is expressed through the realistic portrait or the grotesque graphics and it is also fed with ornamental motifs of different indigenous arts that he meets on his way, merging it all with his inner world,

Oliver Weigel

Geboren im Jahr 1968, bekam er mit 17 Jahren die Kamera seiner fotobegeisterten Großmutter. Seit dieser Zeit hat ihn das Interesse für Fotografie auf die eine oder andere Art durch sein Leben begleitet. Im Jahr 2008 begann nach dem Erwerb einer umfangreicheren DSLR Ausrüstung eine sich immer weiter intensivierende Auseinandersetzung mit der Kunstform Fotografie.

Schwerpunkte liegen bei den Themen Menschen und ihre Lebensräume in allen Formen.

Oliver Weigel

Born in 1968 he got his photo-enthusiastic grandmother’s camera when he was 17 years old. Since then the interest for photography guided him through his life in different ways.

In 2008 he was getting even more into photography then ever before after buying some dslr equipment.

His focus is on various forms of capturing people and environment.


Oliver Weigel soon in Kunst Schimmer #2 Born in 1968 he got his photo-enthusia…

Oliver Weigel
soon in Kunst Schimmer #2

Born in 1968 he got his photo-enthusiastic grandmother camera with 17 years. From this time going the interest for photography guided him through his life in different ways.

In 2008 he was getting deeper in photography then ever before after buying some dslr equipment.

His focus is on various forms of picturing people and environment.

Geboren im Jahr 1968,